Sukrutham Charitable Trust

about us

About Sukrutham

Sukrutham Charitable Trust is registered under Indian Public Charitable Trust Act 1882, on 2nd September 2014 for the purpose of serving marginalized and disadvantaged sections of the society. It is registered under Income Tax Act 1961 for tax exemptions under 12A & 80 G sections also. Sukrutham Charitable Trust is taking care of Sukrutham Sevanilam which aims at the rehabilitation of physically/mentally disabled persons who are abandoned by the family, orphans, or from economically disadvantaged families. Presently Sevanilayam extends its services to 11 such persons .Five full time employees are taking care of these people. The inmates are providing holistic as well as remedial treatments to minimize the difficulties arise out of the illness and customized healthy and nutritious food is provided them to keep good mental and physical health as well as immunity power. To create awareness and mitigate the menace of different types of disabilities, Sukrutham Charitable Trust is already established Sukrutham Rehab Institution. SRI- Sukrutham Rehab Institution is a multidisciplinary assessment and therapeutic intervention centre for all age groups especially the early age interventions for the children at the age group of[ 0-8] involving assessments in speech & language, neurocognitive ,behavioral, sensory integration, learning and educational skills, special education and interventions of speech therapy, language therapy, behavior modification therapy, sensory integration therapy, physical therapy, special education, education therapy/remedial training ,counseling etc. The project aims at the provision of special training/school facilility for children with different disabilities. As part of the project parents, teachers, care takers will be provided with special and customized training. School going children with learning difficulties and related disabling conditions will be tackled through education therapy/remedial training/teaching programs. Awareness creation and sensitization programs on the early stage interventions will be done with the help of schools and other community based organizations.

We’re a highly collaborative and supportive team, coming together on every project to ensure our clients get the very best result.

Our Mission

Build the best product that creates the most value for our customers, use business to inspire and implement environmentally friendly solutions.

Our Values

We strive to go above and beyond for our clients no matter the challenge. We aim to deliver our very best work every single day across our services.